Howdy! Ico here. I’ve been waiting for a perfect time to launch my own blog site and I guess the time has come to share to you my greatest experiences and stuff as I go thoroughly with my so-called “life”.
My real name is Rico Angeles Madriglejos, my childhood playmates called me Ikhong. I was a singer, in a band actually. I got tired with those bright lights that haunts my normal life. I studied. I became a nurse. When I was working in the hospital, colleagues called me Nurse-Rico. I quit being a Nurse. I woke up one day working in the office with dreamers, and jerks too, in which I'm not sure where I belong. Lol.
People who know me personally calls me Ico.
I've been working outside my beautiful country, the Philippines for years. I am based in Al Khobar Saudi Arabia, making myself comfortable while earning a living and learning from my experiences, going to places where I know I can make precious memories to share with my family and friends.
I'm a photographer slash videographer slash blogger. I take photos of people I meet, places I've been, food I eat, and anything I consider delightful and interesting.
I love to travel! Who doesn't? I desire to go to different countries & places, meet different people and experience their ways of living, try the food they are eating, learn some cultures they are preserving, take pictures while things are existing, and live life while I am still breathing!
So come on, be with me, I'll give you a ride!